Thursday, August 2, 2018

Word of the Day - Confounded (Flawed)

Confounded (Flawed) - An experiment is considered confounded (flawed) when there is an objectional variable that is not kept out of the investigation.  Confounding takes place when an objectional variable which is not controlled by the scientist is initiated into the research. 

Example:  A group of students who participated in a study to see if a daily regiment of yoga exercise alone helps students to improves test scores and reduces test anxiety. The study outcome shows that students test scores improved with yoga exercise prior to taking an exam.  But the researcher later found out later that study was confounded/flawed because they discovered that two students were practicing both Reiki and yoga before taking the exam. Now the researchers are not sure if the improved test scores for the two student is due to yoga or if it is due to the practicing of Reiki.