Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How Psychologist and Economist Work Together in Research?

By:  Kimberly Swanson, MS-Psy, CNA
Many psychologists and economist share data from their research because each piece of their studies fills in missing gaps.  For instance, if a psychologist does a research on patients that are uninsured, their finding may  explain the purpose behind human behaviors.  Their research may explain certain behaviors such why some patients are not going to doctor appointments  or  why some patients are not getting the adequate treatments for their condition?

 An economist may go into more detail about the financial conditions and the economy for the reasons why an uninsured patient do not get the medical assistance that they may need.   Combining or sharing research between health psychologist and economists in these examples show how the study can show so much more details and give a broader prospective of the problems with uninsured patients. Sociology and psychology can benefit from each other because sociology explains the social aspect whereas psychology explains the behavior.

Updated 9/23/16

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